
張可昱Koyu Chang



 作品「守一」藉由相異的面向(頂視盤腿與正、背立面並陳),身軀因多時視角而錯曲,探討軀體、心神的分離與合一。
 雕塑「乾」中,人和馬的體量被壓縮扁平化後曲折重構,外力瓦解了物質的堅實性質,讓形態有了各種可能性,一切輕盈了起來。乾為天,健行不息,其代表動物即為馬,在形態上人是馬的氣息?抑或馬是人的想像?兩者之間對話、傾聽流轉不已。
 另外於雕塑「重力」中,銅條(材料)在物理作用下自然形成弧線,這重力來自地球引力,而女性恰為mother earth的化身。


Both painting and film serve to capture the three-dimensional world by condensing it onto a two-dimensional surface. Similarly, my sculpture endeavors to discover fresh forms through the manipulation of dimension - compressing, decompressing, and releasing objects from a flat plane.

 The title of the work: Oneness
In「Oneness」, I distort the figure's shape to present various aspects at the same time. This exploration delves into the shape and form of the figure, inviting viewers to perceive it from new perspectives.
 The title of the work: Qian
The figure and the horse are subjected to compress, causing their volumes to flatten. This external force reshapes the material, yielding a multitude of potential forms. The once-massive volume sheds its weight, transforming into a lightness. "Qian" serves as a metaphor for the perpetual movement of the Universe. Is the man but a breath of the horse? Or does the horse exist within the man's dream? This open-ended question echoes endlessly, inviting contemplation.
 The title of the work: Gravity
Bronze bar has formed a natural arc due to the force of gravity, stemming from the mass of the Earth. The female figure also symbolizes Mother Earth.

2022 ~ 專注雕塑創作
Concentrate on sculpture creation
2003 ~ 成立「atelier02」提供室內設計服務以及雕塑藝術之製作設置
atelier02 was founded along w. Wanting Ching, providing services of interior design and sculpture establishing.
2001~14 設立「模mold」, 陶瓷設計品牌
「模mold」was founded, a brand specializes in ceramic products.
1999~01 國立台南藝術大學, 建築藝術研究所肄業
Tainan National University of the Arts, Graduate Institute of Architecture, study in school
1992~96 實踐大學, 室內空間設計系, 學士
Shih Chien University, Department of Interior Space Design, BFA
1972 生於台北,台灣

2021 常殷建設「起.承.轉.合」 , 常殷建設集合住宅, 門廳系列雕塑
Chang Yin Real Estate co.,ltd., Lobby sculptures for housing project
2019 德林建設「回」 , 德林哲人集合住宅, 景觀雕塑
「Infinite」Te-lin construction group,Courtyard sculpture for housing project
2017 長群建設「峰迴鹿轉.熊心萬丈」 , 長群享享集合住宅, 門戶意象雕塑
「Deer.Bear」Changqun construction co. ltd., Gateway sculpture for housing project
2015 富宇建設「葉」「葉曲」及「月相」 , 東方之星集合住宅, 中庭景觀系列雕塑
「Leaves」「Nocturne」&「Lunar phase」Fuyu construction co., ltd., Courtyard sculptures for housing project
2014 昇陽建設「合抱之境」昇陽麗石集合住宅, 門戶意象雕塑
「Embracing Nature」Sunty development corp., Gateway sculpture for housing project
2013 國立清華大學「清華名人堂浮雕」 , 入口意象壁畫
「Tsing Hua Hall of Fame」, Entry brass-relief, National Tsing Hua University
2012 海華建設「大地」海華大帝集合住宅 , 門戶暨中庭景觀雕塑
「Earth」, Haihua development corp., Courtyard sculpture for housing project
2011 國立清華大學「融」, 百年校慶浮雕壁畫
「Fusion」, Brass-relief for 100th anniversary of National Tsing Hua University
2009 南部科學工業園區「鏡觀」邀請參展暨典藏 , 第一期第一階段公共藝術設置案
「Reflected Visions」, Public art for Southern Taiwan Science Park
2008 合輝建設「源」、「翔」 , 國家美學館集合住宅, 門戶意象雕塑
「Origin」&「Gliding」, Hehui development corp., Gateway sculpture for housing project
2007 新北市立鶯歌陶瓷博物館「薪」 , 陶瓷公園火廣場陶版藝術創作首獎
Prize winner, Competition of ceramic panel for Fire Channel Plaza, Yingge Ceramics Museum
2006 "台灣科技大學「種子」、「水立方」, 公共藝術首獎(水立方入圍第二屆公共藝術卓越獎)
入圍第二屆公共藝術卓越獎 (水立方)"
Prize winner, Public art for National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
2005 國立故宮博物院「Old is new」 , 故宮文化衍生商品設計案, 陶瓷作品
Personal tea set,「Old is new」Cultural derivative product design, National Palace Museum
2003 台北市政府「映色」, 市政大樓中庭裝置案首獎
Prize winner, Suspension installation project, Atrium of Taipei City Hall
2002 "台北市社教館文山分館「戲林」, 公共藝術案首獎(第一屆公共藝術最佳教育推廣獎)
Prize winner, Public art for Taipei municipal social education hall, The Wenshan branch
